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Anger Management Classes for Passive-Agressive Behavior

Human beings are emotional by nature. They tend to express their feelings based on the situations arising in their daily lives.  Anger is a natural feeling that when left unchecked can permeate a person’s entire life and contribute to unhappiness, depression and sometimes violence. Uncontrolled anger is detrimental both to the individual expressing it and to the people around him or her.  Consequences of anger can be divorce, isolation and verbal and physical abuse.

Anger can be expressed actively or passively. Passive expression of anger is known as passive aggressive behavior. Passive aggression is defined in the dictionary as a deliberate and masked way of expressing covert feelings of anger.  This form of angry expression is very dangerous, can hurt those around them, and can easily eat into a person's emotional stability.  It is sneaky because the person rarely expresses their anger, but outwardly appears to be happy or fine with whatever the situation is.  They will deflect any confrontation by telling other’s that they aren’t angry and they are blowing things out of proportion.  They deny their angry behavior.

It is important to clearly identify behavioral patterns associated with passive aggression in order to understand and rehabilitate someone with this personality disorder.  Passive aggressive people often try to avoid responsibility for tasks they are not interested in doing.  They tend to use sarcasm to deflect confrontation and will avoid any direct discussion about the subject.  They will also come across as being forgetful which is a quiet way of getting out of the task at hand.  They might make up excuses or lie to get out of situations they don’t want to be in rather than just telling the truth.  And, they are individuals who rarely accept blame, but bestow it on everyone around them. If individuals with this habit are able to learn how to recognize the warning signs of this pattern taking affect, they can then learn to disengage immediately before this behavior takes control of them. This self-control will benefit them in their daily lives. 

Dealing with someone who is passive aggressive can drive the people around him or her crazy.  Taking Anger Management Classes online is an excellent way of learning about this behavior and how to respond to it for positive results. They can help such individuals to directly engage their feelings and learn how to manage their emotions.  These classes will teach non-judgmental strategies and self-talk. 

For the family members or friends, it is important for those dealing with this behavior to learn how to confront the passive aggressive person without attacking his character and in a non-aggressive manner.  Certain strategies if done correctly will help the passive aggressive person to gain insight into his behavior and how it is negatively affecting everyone around him.  Classes can be taken in the privacy of your own home, at your own pace and can be taken with the support of the entire family.  Remember those with this personality trait often have fragile egos, so confront them with care.

How Do You Display Your Anger?

Everyone gets angry, maybe even on a daily basis.  Life is full of situations that one can find unpleasant or irritating.  The question is how do you display this anger?  Do you repress it, communicate to others what you are angry about and try to resolve the situation with meaningful conversation, or just move on and forget about it quickly?  Those with anger control issues tend react with either violence, domestic abuse, tantrums, or  abusive rants.  Often this behavior seems uncontrollable and after the episode has receded, the perpetrator is regretful or depressed by the behavior he or she has displayed.  However, with the right anger management classes you will soon find techniques to curb all physical/domestic abuse and lead a more peaceful life.

One of the first lessons you will learn are relaxation techniques that will help you calm down when faced with a situation demanding self control. For instance, you will learn something as simple as learning to breathe in and breathe out and other meditation techniques. These exercises can be employed in the moment you begin to feel angry and will help you better manage your emotions.   Most people suffering from anger management issues will also learn how to reflect on themselves and their behavior towards people or the art of empathy.

Then there are also cognitive therapeutic classes where you will learn how to manage your thinking and interpretation of people's actions. For instance, you will have to understand why you were provoked by a certain situation and how best you would have handled it. It is also in these classes that you learn how to manage your way of looking at things and learning to adopt a more positive attitude towards life. A good example of someone who could learn the importance of thinking positively is an individual who goes out to his car in a parking lot and sees that it has a new scratch.  Instead of considering it might be something that he did while driving or parked at home, he gets angry at the car parked too close to him in the next spot.   As a result he waits for the car owner to come out and attacks him verbally without any regard or empathy for the other driver.  Instead of realizing that he can touch up the scratch with a little paint and moving on, he directs his anger at someone else and becomes abusive.

In these classes you also learn how to communicate your feelings instead of getting into anger outbursts. For instance, if you are a family man and are easily irritated when your children leave their books all over the living room instead of yelling and screaming at them, you will to learn to be assertive by telling them you love it when they leave their packed books nicely in their rooms. In other words, anger management classes train you how to communicate your feelings without being abrasive about it.

Breathing and communicating properly might seem obvious to the average person, but to someone who has difficulty understanding anger control, these ideas need to be taught.  The abusive individual might deny having such problems, making it extremely difficult to get him/her to a traditional classroom setting.  Online classes are therefore ideal because they offer privacy and the convenience of staying in your own home.  Classes can be taken together with friends and family members present to discuss the topics.  Everyone will benefit from this instruction, hopefully before it’s too late.

Life Changing Anger Management Classes Online

Anger is a normal human response to life’s daily annoyances. However, some people get out of control. They find themselves getting so angry at the slightest issues that it impedes them from functioning properly at work and at home. Moreover, they can destroy long-term relationships because of one angry moment. It is how one handles the anger that determines if it has become problematic.  If a person finds himself raising his blood pressure, ranting and raving, driving aggressively on the road, or possibly getting into physical altercations then seeking professional help is a must.

Learning how to control your anger before it controls your life is essential. Most people who suffer anger management issues are those who do not know how to vent the anger they feel properly.  Some individuals might innately know how to direct these feelings while others might need some guidance. The healthiest way to express anger is in a non-aggressive and assertive way.  Whenever you feel angry, breathe deeply and then rationalize how needs can be met without anyone getting hurt – physically or emotionally. Anger control classes encourage the use of sublimation as a defense mechanism on anger. Whenever you feel extremely angry at someone, suppress your immediate anger with the idea in mind that you don’t want to do something you will regret in the future. Use all the energy from your anger to do something productive instead. Focus on tasks that need to be done at home or at work.  Learn how to redirect your anger much like you would try to redirect a child when they are having a temper tantrum. 

However, a big misconception about anger is the fact that it is best to simply hold it in forever so no one gets upset and the moment passes. Truth is, unexpressed anger will take its toll on you psychologically and physically. Worst cases are when people are unable to express their anger head on and result to passive aggressive means of getting back at people indirectly through their friends, family and the like. Obviously, issues grow and there are less chances of resolving them. This behavior is often seen in couples that get divorced after 20 years of marriage.

With this in mind, anger management classes are extremely beneficial in helping people learn how to best handle and control stressful situations.  With current technology almost all commodities and services are available via the internet. Fortunately, anger management classes are available online as well. Just like traditional classroom based anger management classes, licensed professionals are available to speak with, as well as course material that can be printed out and used for future reference.  It’s ideal because students can learn at their own pace, in the privacy of their own home and will receive a certificate of completion upon passing the course.  Group online meetings are also available with a preset schedule so you may learn from other people’s experiences. The best thing about this is no one needs to know that you are taking these classes. Privacy and confidentiality are prioritized.

Learn Anger Management To Live A Healthier Life

Stress kills.  We hear it over and over again, but what do we do to deal with it?  Some people drink alcohol, some exercise, some take it out with anger towards their co-workers, friends or family.  Some might just feel tired all day long with a stomach ache and nervous energy.  One excellent way of learning to deal with daily stress to help live a healthier life is by attending online anger management courses. 

An online anger management course will teach how irritations can be handled in a healthy way for self improvement.  Individuals who enroll in these classes will learn how to cope with hostility and handle stressful situations. Learning about handling tension effectively will in turn help them feel better both physically and emotionally.

People who have hostility issues often do not admit that they have these problems. These people usually believe that certain environmental elements, like an obnoxious co-worker, traffic, or wild children, are the underlying cause behind their hostility. They think that if the situation around them is altered, they will react with less stress and anger.

Attending classes in which coping mechanisms for stress are featured can prove to be beneficial for the individuals who are not able to deal with their angry feelings effectively. Stress in its worst stages turns into anger. So, if individuals learn how to manage stress and tension effectively, then managing anger control can become easier for them.

When individuals are not taught how to cope with stress during their childhood, they can suffer from uncontrollable anger during adulthood, which is aggravated by stress. Functioning effectively in the world can become difficult for these people due to the lack of coping skills. Therefore, classes can be taken as a family and are beneficial for all ages.  The instructors in online anger management will guide students through the appropriate human relations and relaxation skills.

Mastering human relations and relaxation techniques in online anger management classes will make it possible for individuals to enjoy a healthier lifestyle. Experiencing a high level of stress and tension constantly is quite unhealthy for any individual. Stress can also lead to restlessness and unhappiness too. Insomnia, high blood pressure and many other ailments are caused by stress and tension. Thus, learning stress and therefore anger management skills will benefit the student with a healthier life.

How To Control Daily Anger And Stress In Trying Times

The current economic situation in the United States has been getting tougher by the day. Retaining a job, however well qualified you are, has been uncertain. And, for all those workers who have been laid-off in the past couple of years, getting another job has proven to be a monumental task. With the loss of a job, or the extra work that has been put upon you because the rest of the workforce has been downsized, comes uncertainty, fear and exhaustion. The bills keep rolling in for the support of your family.  There’s medical and dental, food and living expenses, insurance, rent, school fees and property taxes to name a few causing increased stress levels.  In these adverse economic circumstances, stress and anger are constant companions and some can react by exploding without much provocation.

Understandable as it is, stop and think for a moment, what damage your uncontrolled anger is doing to your spouse or children.  Fortunately there are ways to control and channel anger and stress.  Doctors agree that aside of taking medicine to calm you down, it is possible to control anger and reduce stress with a bit of training. If you are experiencing anger control issues due to the stress of everyday life, there are actions that an Anger Management Class would be able to teach you.

The steps we should take to control anger are: 

Stay calm:

The first step in anger control is staying calm.  In many situations, this is easier said than done.  Anger classes will teach you how to utilize breathing techniques, as well as others, to manage this task.  Do not do anything hastily which you might regret later. 

Share stress: 

Find a trusted adult to whom you can unburden your worries and seek guidance and advice. You can talk to each other about the problems you are facing in parenting, at work or at school and use each other's experience to your advantage.  Support each other by helping out with babysitting kids, arranging for date nights, and helping with everyday tasks that are currently feeling overwhelming.  Remember, it takes a village to raise kids and to make it through our everyday responsibilities. 

Disciplining your children: 

When you are angry it is the wrong time to discipline your children. Your anger and emotions will get the better of you and the punishment will be disproportionate. This makes the child resentful and the chances are he will misbehave just to upset you. Calm down first and then tell the child in firm tones that he is being punished for what he did, but make sure the punishment is appropriate and not harsh.

When you are angry do one or more of the following to help calm you down:

* Count up to ten slowly before reacting to any situation. This will help you relax before reacting. 

* Take a number of deep breaths. This helps in turning off the brains' stress hormones.

* When you get angry use the tightening muscles technique to cool off. Tighten and relax your muscles, starting from your feet to your shoulders. This will help you relax.

* Exercise regularly. The release of pent up energy helps in reducing stress levels.

* If your children are old enough to be left alone, don't react immediately.  Remove yourself from the situation and go for a short walk. This act alone will convey to the children that you are upset with what they did. When you are calm, talk to the children and if necessary, punish them.

Anger control can be mastered with some effort on your part. When you think of how your family and friends will benefit, it makes sense to learn the techniques right now!