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Why Would The Court Mandate I Take An Anger Management Class?

Anger management is the ability to know that you are experiencing anger and then taking the appropriate steps to disperse this emotion into an experience that is more positive by calming down. Whereas some people may learn to successfully control their emotions without requiring professional help, others may need more guidance to learn how they can control their anger.

Anger management courses are frequently ordered by the court system in cases of criminal convictions. There are many different reasons why a judge would order that the offender take a class. Years of studies have shown that individuals are more likely to permanently change their ways with education and therapy, rather than just getting thrown in jail for a period of time. In case an offender gets a court order, the judge will establish the severity of that case and determine the length of the course. They can vary from 8 -52 hours of learning.

Court orders can result when a person is involved in a misdemeanor crime such as getting into an altercation with a family member or maybe with a stranger inside a hotel and police assistance is called to break up the scene. Most of the people who take anger management courses are there for the reason that they lost control of their temper and injured someone either mentally or physically. Other examples include if someone has been convicted for destroying another person’s property like purposely keying a cars paint, or cutting down a tree on a neighbor’s property in retaliation for it blocking your view. Other serious crimes include battery or disturbing the peace.

These classes are intended to assist a person to improve his or her life by teaching the skills necessary to prevent their aggressive behavior. The court may permit a person to enroll in an online course to learn these techniques. Online courses are advantageous as they provide an opportunity for one to continue with their normal work life without disruption. Classes can be taken online from any web-based computer and are available to access at any time of the day or night. The client should first check with their court system to make sure that they will accept an online class.

Taking anger management classes online offers the convenience of finishing the course at your home within your own time frame. In addition, they also provide complete privacy, which is not only more relaxing, but protects clients from the possibility of colleagues, friends or family knowing they have to take the class. This is particularly helpful to people who are concerned about jeopardizing their employment.

Online anger management courses focuses on identifying anger causes, learning to avoid circumstances that may have activated past irrational responses, developing ways that are less destructive to deal with anger, learning to ask for something without being angry and practicing anger management steps to calm oneself down. It is the objective of the anger management program to assist in changing the thinking process of the participants so that they can view situations in a more positive light.

Anger management is generally successful to the extent that the individual is willing to own up to his/her behavior and is ready to make a change. Anger control doesn’t happen overnight or by taking one class. Individuals need to understand that learning new skills and applying them to daily life is a journey that might take some time but will ultimately benefit their overall happiness.

Anger Management Skills During The Chicago Teachers Strike

Examples of angry behavior are in the news on a daily basis.  Sometimes it is about the insane person who has gone into a movie theater with the intention of killing as many people as possible, and sometimes it is about organized and peaceful protests.  Either way, the people involved are not satisfied with events occurring in their life, and are making this information known.  We are all constantly affected by the actions of others.  Learning how to successfully handle relationships, deal with others in the workplace and manage difficult people in general is a highly beneficial talent to have.  Mastering anger control, stress management and conflict resolution skills are a healthy, positive way to change your behavior and life.

Today in the news, the headline reads that teachers in Chicago are going on strike for the first time in 25 years.  This is significant as nearly 400,000 public school students will not receive the education they deserve.  Parents who have to go to work are scrambling to find childcare, which is causing stress and aggravation.  More than 26,000 teachers are not getting paid and are on the streets holding picket-signs, and district and government officials are trying to keep the peace by creating supervised locations for children to go. 

The bottom line is that the teacher’s union and the district are at odds about compensation, potential changes to health benefits, a new teacher evaluation system and longer school days.  V.P. candidate Paul Ryan has come out and said “Mayor Emanuel is right today in saying that this teacher’s union strike is unnecessary and wrong”.  Comments like these from high-profile politicians contributes to the animosity, as the two sides remain divided. Negotiations are in session however, and we all know that eventually this problem will come to a resolution.  The goal is that both sides will come out as satisfied as possible.  Nevertheless, we also know that many people will be left hurt, offended and downright angry. 

Taking anger management classes is strongly advised for those involved in this demonstration.  There are a great number of emotions that have come to a boiling point.  Frustration and anger are on the forefront and need to be addressed in order to help get past these high-conflict feelings.  Anger classes teach clients how to cope with stress and anger by using simple techniques to help the body and mind calm down.  Students will also learn how to send clear messages and how to communicate more effectively for a positive outcome.  A key point in anger control classes is how to resolve conflicts by saying and doing useful things.

The current timeliness of the Chicago Strike calls for immediate action.  Quality anger management courses are available online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Protesters, city officials and even parents could benefit from an 8-hour class.  They are available at the click of a button, and the curriculum includes the most current techniques to overcoming high-conflict angry behavior.  Classes are available from any Internet based computer and from any state in the country, so they can be taken from the comfort and relaxed atmosphere of home.  After a day on the picket lines, anger management classes can be extremely useful in helping to reduce overall stress.

Learn To Overcome Your Unpredictable, Angry Behavior

Do you know someone that is unbalanced, unpredictable and easily angered?  This person may be described as having Irrational Behavior.  This personality trait can be described as acting, talking and even thinking without rationality. When an individual is irrational, most people may associate this behavior with some type of undue emotional stress, an inadequate use of their reasoning abilities or they may have a cognitive deficiency.

As a general rule, there are a variety of different situations and conditions that can cause an individual to behave irrationally. Some of the most commonly known are listed below:

  • High levels of continuous stress
  • New and unique situations
  • Intoxication
  • Attempting to fit in with peers in various social situations in order gain acceptance.
  • Fear and anxiety

When people become angry about a situation, they may react in several common ways. Healthy behaviors to deal with anger include becoming quiet and starting a regimen of relaxing techniques like counting to calm down, listening to peaceful music or going out to get some exercise. After utilizing these skills, individuals can respond with emotions that are constructive instead of destructive. However, for those who do not know how to manage their anger and tend to handle anger irrationally, they will take their uncontrolled anger out on the people around them, specifically those who may love them the most. Irrational angry behaviors include screaming at the person at the top of their voice and becoming physically abusive.

Some people go through life tense and stressed-out.  They are easily set-off by the smallest things and can be sent into a rage at anytime.  This irrational behavior generally causes friends, family or co-workers to avoid the angry person, because they do not know what to expect.  An example of an individual who displays irrational behavior can be seen when a person bites into a sandwich and gets extremely angry because there is an ingredient they aren’t happy with.  Instead of pulling out that piece of lettuce, they might throw the entire sandwich away and starve for the rest of the day.  Dealing with someone who is angry for no significant reason is not only nerve racking, but also very dangerous.

If this behavior sounds familiar, there is convenient, quality and low-cost help available at the tap of a button by taking an online anger management class.  Once the person admits to having the problem, it is beneficial to delve to the root of the problem.  The great thing about taking classes online is that the individual can learn more about their problems in the privacy of their home at their own pace.  The fear or inconvenience of having to drive and participate in a classroom full of people they don’t know is alleviated. 
Classes can be taken at any time of the day or night and the client can drop-in and out of the class as many times as it takes to complete the class.  

These classes will teach the person how to identify the specific triggers that causes the problems in their lives. They can also help the person with developing the skills needed to assist them with conflict resolutions instead of reacting to different situations inappropriately. Online classes teach the individual how to deal with others in many circumstances at home and at work.  The education will help in every aspect of the client’s life.

Are Your Expectations Too High?

For perfectionists, type A personalities and people with an independent or demanding streak, high expectations can easily lead to being labeled taskmasters.  For these individuals with intensely driven personalities, anger can easily erupt when expectations are not met. This behavior might be acceptable for a short while and might even get people around you to behave in the way you are looking for, but if it continues, it will lead to health and social issues at home and in the workplace.  Learning to adjust expectations to help manage anger is a useful tool to learn for those with these personality traits.

To be truthful, anger is a normal and healthy reaction to frustration.  It is acceptable to become angry when someone has let us down, we have witnessed an injustice or a goal is somehow blocked.  However, uncontrollable anger leads to disruption at work, stress with family members at home and high blood pressure.

In certain personality types, this uncontrollable anger can be attributed to unrealistic expectations.  We expect that things will be a certain way and when they don’t meet these requirements, anger and stress take over.  Learning how to be more easy-going and to adjust those expectations is a desirable goal.  As we all know, things don’t always turn out as planned.  There are a great number of things in life that we can’t control.  Blowing up every time we encounter a difficult person or situation, will lead you to an unhappy life.  Instead, learning to come to terms with the behavior or unsolvable problem will help with overall anger management.  

An example of this is road rage.  One can either get in the car everyday for the drive home during rush hour and go crazy with anger about the slow traffic and stress out for the entire ride home, or, accept it will take an hour and put in some calming music to make the trip more pleasant.  The expectation that the traffic congestion will somehow go away is unrealistic, so learning to live with it and find ways to enjoy the ride home is a successful solution.  

Instead of getting angry that needs or desires are not being met because of someone else’s behavior, learn to deal with the situation in a calm manner.  Use assertive communication to express your feelings to your co-worker, spouse, friend or child.  Tell them in a non-aggressive, respectful way what exactly you were expecting.  You may find that they simply didn’t realize that was what you were looking for.  Or, find an alternative and workable solution to the problem that doesn’t include placing blame on someone else. 

To further explore the skills of expectation adjustment, take an anger management class online.  These classes are easy to take from any Internet based computer in the relaxed atmosphere of your own home.  Classes are available to take 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so they do not need to interfere with work responsibilities.  The client will benefit from learning very specific skills to better manage their hostility and anger and improve their quality of life. 

Seek Guidance and Support For Anger Management Issues

Being angry all the time is very detrimental and negative to your health for several reasons. There are a lot of clinical and scientific studies on people who spend the majority of their lives angry. Going through life with constant high levels of anger is an extremely unhealthy state for your body to handle.  First and foremost, you raise your risk of stroke and heart attack.  Doctors think this is because feelings of hostility activate the “fight or flight” response in which stress hormones speed up your heart rate. Your blood pressure rises at the same time, as your blood vessels constrict.  People who spend most of their lives like this also increase their chances of having atherosclerosis, frequent headaches, digestive problems and Insomnia.     

Furthermore, it's not an attractive trait to have. Have you ever seen someone frantic or yelling at someone and thought that you just wanted to get away from him? No one wants to be around someone like that and no one wants to be thought of as the person who always has a bad attitude about one thing or another.  Extremely hostile people tend to have fewer friends.  This contributes to the negative side effects of anger because then the angry person has a weak or non-existent support network.  

Other downsides are that angry people also tend to have high levels of anxiety and depression as well.  When in a highly volatile state, they have the inability to think clearly.  And, people who are angry about everything often have the feeling of being victimized or treated unfairly. This hostile and rash behavior can become dangerous to others.  Sometimes, extremely angry people can’t even remember the explosive incident they caused. Overcoming these unnecessary feelings will change your life for the better. 

If you realize that you have a problem, you've taken a very healthy step towards curing the problem. Anger does not need to be uncontrollable.  You have a choice about how you manage anger in every situation you are in, but some people need to learn what the other options are.  You need to take ownership of the behavior and be ready to look inside yourself for answers.  The next thing to do is seek guidance and support.  Your anger will not go away on it’s own. 

Online anger management classes provide tools you need to learn to productively release and redirect your anger in healthier and safer ways. Taking an online class relieves the awkward feelings of entering a classroom and telling your story to a group of complete strangers.  The classes are taken in the privacy of your own home, on your own schedule and at your own pace.  Classes address what is causing all the anger, the pros and cons of being angry, how to deal with and relieve stress, harmful behaviors to avoid, how to speak more clearly and openly and techniques to help you calm down. 

Anger management classes will give suggestions for the long-term modification of your angry behavior.  Investing 8 – 52 hours now, in a high-quality program will benefit you for a lifetime.